
  • Sonification of Image Sequences

    An OpenMusic application that converts entire sequences of images into symbolic music representations.

  • HOA Encoder using OM-SoX

    OpenMusic and the OM-SoX library were used to implement a periphonic 3rd-order Ambisonics encoder. .

  • Wave field synthesis with OM-SoX

    A graphical interface for controlling wave field synthesis was developed for the OpenMusic composition environment using the OM-SoX library. .

  • Interspaces – Acousmatic study with OM-SoX

    “Interspaces” juxtaposes sounds from human civilization with sounds from nature. Field recordings are filtered according to the principle of a vocoder. .

  • PixelWaltz: Sonification of images in OpenMusic

    Sonification of images into symbolic representations of music. Options for image manipulation and mapping are available. .

  • Whitney Music Box with OMChroma/OMPrisma in OpenMusic

    The “Whitney Music Box” describes a series of cyclically sequenced sound elements that are synthesized and spatialized with OMchroma/OMPrisma. ….

  • Markov processes for controlling harmonics in OpenMusic and Common Lisp

    Algorithmic composition based on two Markov-based harmony models, which are subsequently subsequently equipped with rhythm and melody. .

  • Transient Processor

    Transient Processor SKAS symbolic sound processing and analysis/synthesis Prof. Dr. Marlon Schumacher Intermediate project by Andres Kaufmes HfM Karlsruhe – IMWI (Institute for Music Informatics and Musicology) Winter semester 2022/23 _____________ For this interim project, I worked on the implementation of a transient processor in OpenMusic with the help of the OM-Sox library. A transient…

  • Spatial transformation of the piece “Ode An Die Reparatur” (“Ode To The Repair”)

    Abstract: The entry describes the spatialization of the piece “Ode An Die Reparatur” (“Ode To The Repair”) (2021) and its transformation into a Higher Order Ambisonics version. A binaural mix of the finished piece makes it possible to understand the working process based on the result. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Marlon Schumacher A contribution by: Jakob…

  • Composition in 3D Audio (Ambisonics 5th order)

    In this comprehensive article, I will describe the creative process of my composition in order to present my experience in the course of multi-channel processing . I produced the composition as part of the seminar “Visual Programming of Space/Sound Synthesis (VPRS)” with Prof. Dr. Marlon Schumacher at the HFM Karlsruhe. Supervisor:: Prof. Dr. Marlon Schumacher…

  • Extension of the acousmatic study – 3D 5th-order Ambisonics

    This article is about the fourth iteration of an acousmatic study by Zeno Lösch, which was carried out as part of the seminar “Visual Programming of Space/Sound Synthesis” with Prof. Dr. Marlon Schumacher at the HFM Karlsruhe. The basic conception, ideas, iterations and the technical implementation with OpenMusic will be discussed. Responsible persons: Zeno Lösch,…

  • BAD GUY: An acousmatic study

    Inspired by the “Infinite Bad Guy” project, they are experimenting with creating an instrumental cover version algorithmically. By Kaspars Jaudzems. .

  • Spectral Select: An acousmatic 3D audio study

    Spectral Select explores the spectral content of one sample and the amplitude curve of a second sample and combines them in a new musical context

  • Composing in 8 channels with OpenMusic

    Sounds from everyday life are transformed into an original composition with the help of several processes within Open Music. Responsible: Veronika Reutz Drobnić, winter semester 21/22

  • Acousmatic study by Zeno Lösch

    Three iterations of an acousmatic study. Responsible: Zeno Lösch, MA Music Informatics, 1st semester.

  • Acousmatic study by Christoph Zimmer

    Three iterations of an acousmatic study based on sounds for the production of a trolley. Responsible: Christoph Zimmer, Master Student, MI HfM Kalrsruhe WS21/22

  • Speaking Objects

    An audio-only augmented reality installation with wireless 6DOF position detection and binauralization. By Lukas Körfer, 5th semester Master Music Informatics.

  • Interactive composition/performance with live drawing and electronics

    Foreword In the following I would like to give an insight into the artistic and technical development of my piece “Waiting for the Night”. This article will be continuously updated and will thus document the development process. The piece is to be realized by a performer and a draughtswoman.   Technical report Setup The performer…

  • “OM-LEAD” library

    “OM-LEAD” is a library for the visual programming environment OpenMusic for rule-based real-time composition. Development: Lorenz Lehmann.

  • Machine Learning in Music: One Application with Voice and Live Electronics

    Description of the compositional process for the piece “Shepherd” for voice and live-electronics. Author: Brandon L. Snyder. . .

  • SpatDIF DAW Plugin ITM

    DAW plugin for the transmission of spatialization data according to the SpatDIF standard. Development: Daniel Höpfner .

  • Supercollider Renderer

    Supercollider Renderer Development: Tim Schmele, Marnin Jahnke Source Code GIT Repository